Jul 31, 2020
When should you pick okra? And should you save the seeds? I’m sharing my best tips on when to harvest your okra. And of course I’m sharing tips on how to save okra seeds. What is your favorite part about okra?
Jul 28, 2020
Hopefully you are deep into your summer harvest! If you’re keeping up with it all, do you know what you should be doing in your garden? I’ve created a summer To Do list with 7 things that all gardeners should think about in the middle of the summer.
Jul 24, 2020
When you use drip line irrigation, should you place them above or below your mulch? Well, it depends! If you’re trying to decide, I’d love for you to hear what has worked best for me and what I recommend to others.
Jul 21, 2020
In the middle of the summer, there’s a time when your spring crops have finished producing but your fall crops aren’t ready to go into the ground. What should you do with the empty space? If you have any energy left from your summer garden, I have some ideas for what you can do in that space and why.
Jul 17, 2020
What to do about tomato hornworms? Any tomato grower seems to have to deal with hornworms. If you find evidence of this pest, what should you do about them? I share my experience today.
Why I don’t prune my tomatoes: https://journeywithjill.net/gardening/2019/05/14/is-pruning-tomato-plants-necessary/